Every company has access to the most valuable resource in the world. Most of them hardly use it.
Intellectual Property.
**polynom** makes the intellectual property of your company visible and develops it. For **sustainable value and clear competitive advantages** today and tomorrow.

Three reasons for a new intellectual property advisory.

  1. 01

    The number 1 economic factor is often overlooked.

    Intellectual property is more than a trademark and a patent. It is the entire, individual knowledge of a company. It's experience gained over decades. It is the intellectual, cognitive and emotional capital of each individual. It's also data that often accumulates as a by-product but is not used. **Companies must recognize their intellectual property and account for it as a central factor in their value creation.**
  2. 02

    The future of companies lies in the present.

    Intellectual property must be developed with the future in mind. In the age of e-mobility, no one needs patents on combustion engines. Trademarks that protect print media but want to stand for digital business models in the future are pointless. **polynom helps to align Intellectual Property with the long-term requirements of the market.**
  3. 03

    A digital world needs connected solutions.

    Companies can only succeed in the digital transformation if they also put their intellectual property to the test, reorganize and develop it. This is a great challenge, but above all a huge opportunity. **polynom combines the strategic view on intellectual property with legal possibilities. Through this new perspective, companies can fully exploit their potential.**


Let’s talk - about your Intellectual Property and how to use it so that your Company remains fit for the future.